
第24回GJS講演会Small Voices, Screaming Bodies: Poetic Witnesses of the Showa Period

日時: 2017年12月7日(木), 16:00~18:00
会場: 東京大学東洋文化研究所 第一会議室(3階)
講演者: エリス俊子(東京大学総合文化研究科教授)
使用言語: 英語

発表概要: Poetic voices are often left unrecorded in literary history. We will be looking at some poetic works of the Showa period, focusing on the endeavours of the less known poets who devoted their lives to inscribing words that resisted being mingled with the dominant discourse of Showa Japan. The fragmentary texts woven by these poets inform us of the plurality of voices being created during this turbulent period in Japanese history, though much of them were quickly suppressed, neglected or buried in oblivion.
