
Japanese Studies in the 21st Century: Problems and Promises

Time: January 30, 2015 (Fri) 13:00-17:30
Location: Media Laboratory 2, 1/F, Building 18, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo
Japanese Studies in the 21st Century: Problems and Promises
  • Professor Lynne Nakano (Chair, Department of Japanese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • Professor Rein Raud (Professor, Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki and former President of European Associ ation for Japanese Studies)
  • Professor Masaaki Takeda (Chair, The International Program on Japan in East Asia, University of Tokyo)

The current situation of Japanese studies in the respective affiliations of the panelists will be introduced. Questions like how Japanese studies/cultures should be taught in non-Japanese languages and what potential Japanese studies have in the 21 st century will be examined.