第17回GJSセミナー Nature as Symbol of Japan: The Meiji Kachoga of Taki Katei
日時: | 2016年1月28日(木)15:00~16:30 |
会場: | 東京大学東洋文化研究所 第一会議室(3階) |
発表者: | Rosina Buckland (Senior Curator, National Museum of Scotland) |
使用言語: | 英語 |
発表概要: During the Meiji 20s, the well established artistic genre of kachōga was reconceived as an “invented tradition” on a notably enlarged scale, promoted as identifiably “Japanese” to both domestic viewers and foreign audiences, and suitably eye-catching and technically sophisticated for the new display spaces of exhibition halls and imperial palace. In her presentation, Buckland will examine how the painter Taki Katei (1830-1901) took aspects from his traditional artistic training based on Chinese models and re-deployed them to create a seductively attractive medium conveying an image of Japan as a nation in possession of both beauty and power.