Tokyo School Call for Papers"The Possibility of 'Tokyo School' Philosophy"

The Journal of Japanese Philosophy invites contributions to a special issue on the theme "The Possibility of 'Tokyo School' Philosophy" that is scheduled to be published as Vol. 9 of our journal in 2022 from SUNY Press.
This special issue calls for papers that cover a wide range of issues surrounding philosophers associated with Tokyo-based universities. In contrast to the Kyoto School represented by iconic philosopher NISHIDA Kitarō and his colleagues, the influence of "Tokyo philosophy" and the possibility of a "Tokyo School" has received less attention, and so such philosophical output has generally been absorbed into "Japanese philosophy" at large.
Tokyo is home to a number of prominent academic centers, including the University of Tokyo, founded in 1877. Unlike Kyoto School, perhaps the characteristics of Tokyo philosophy could be described as a complex network of scholars who happened to be based in Tokyo, historically including, but not limited to, INOUE Enryō, INOUE Tetsujirō, WATSUJI Tetsurō, HIROMATSU Wataru, ŌMORI Shōzō, and SAKABE Megumi. In times of increasing modernization and globalization, critical engagement with the lineage of Tokyo-based philosophy will serve to bring its philosophical identity into focus and to help share the experiences of modern Japanese discourse.
In this special edition on Tokyo-based philosophy and the possibility of a "Tokyo School" philosophy, we would like to invite papers that focus on the philosophical heritage of Tokyo as a site of academic exchange and production. Topics related to this theme might include, but would not be limited to:- Any philosophical work by a contemporary philosopher of Tokyo today;
- An essay on a philosophical issue that features a philosopher (or philosophers) associated with a Tokyo-based university, either current or historical;
- A historical look at the lineage of Tokyo University philosophy, or a study of the general characteristics that distinguish Tokyo-based academic philosophy;
- Any study of prominent, or lesser-known, Tokyo-based scholars, contemporary or historical.
- Deadline for the Submission: November 2020
- Length: The submission should NOT exceed 8,000 words.
- Submit completed essays to, subject line Tokyo CFP
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