

日時: 2017年5月15日(月), 15:00~17:00
会場: 東京大学東洋文化研究所 第一会議室(3階)
講演者: マイケル・フィッシュ(シカゴ大学人類学部教授)
使用言語: 英語

発表概要: This talk explores the manifestation of what I call the logic of repetition and recovery in post 3.11 Japan. Specifically, it looks at how the triple disasters of March 2011 have been transformed from markers of limit in the nation’s pursuit of a twentieth century paradigm of economic growth and thus an urgent force of change into an instantiation of a limit in the nation’s ability to change.

講演者紹介: Michael Fisch is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago. His research is situated at the intersection of Sociocultural Anthropology, Science and Technology Studies, and Media Studies. He is the author of Anthropology of the Machine: Tokyo’s Commuter Train Network (Forthcoming June 2018, University of Chicago Press), which explores the relationship between human and machines within Tokyo’s Commuter Train Network. He is currently on a ten-month research fellowship from JSPS to explore the development of experimental ecologies in areas affected by the 3.11 disasters.
